Monday 22 August 2016

Senior health tips: How to reduce stress

It’s a well-known fact that stress has a detrimental effect on wellbeing. It significantly increases the risk of anxiety, depression, digestive issues, sleep problems, heart disease, and memory impairment, as well as exacerbating the symptoms of any other pre-existing conditions. In comparison to younger people, seniors are equally at risk of stress-related health problems that can become especially overwhelming, say assisted living specialists in South Jersey.
Signs of stress in seniors
Indications that your senior loved one could be suffering from stress include:
• Changes in eating habits, including overeating or loss of appetite.
• An onset of memory problems, including forgetfulness, lack of concentration or poor judgement.
• Body aches, increased pain or increased frequency of illness.
• Mood swings, depression or increased irritability.
• Sudden isolation and refusal to socialize.
Tips for reducing stress in seniors
• Practice meditation: Meditation is a powerful calming technique that helps focus on breathing and relaxation. However, if it isn’t right for you, choose another calming activity like painting, going for a walk, swimming or reading in a quiet room.
• Make healthy diet choices: Stress and tiredness can lead to making poor dietary decisions, which lead to yet more stress and fatigue. Resisting the urge to reach for a sugary snack and choosing wholegrains, fruits, vegetables, fish and lean meats instead, can help break this cycle.
• Listen to music: Listening to music is a well-known relaxation technique, reducing cortisol (the stress hormone) as well as blood pressure. Gentle, calming classical music or even the sound of the ocean will help, while fast-paced, upbeat music can increase levels of dopamine (the feel good hormone).
• Join a club: Studies have shown that participants in social clubs and activities are far less likely to suffer from loneliness, stress and depression, and they also boost mental health. Find an activity or hobby you enjoy, like a gardening or book club, or try something new like a theatre group, dance class or a country walking club to get the benefits.
• Get active: Physical activity directly reduces stress and boosts mental and physical health. What’s more, you don’t have to do a lot of it — just 20 minutes a day is needed to get most of the benefits of exercise. Activities like walking, dancing, water aerobics, yoga,, and Pilates are all great options for seniors — however, consult your physician first in order to ensure that you develop a fun exercise plan without putting you at risk of injury or overexertion.
Assisted living services for independent seniors in South Jersey
At Collingswood, we prioritize quality of life — allowing residents to enjoy their senior living community, friends and social activities while we manage the tasks of day-to-day living. With comfortable, open-plan apartments, a lively community spirit and an events calendar filled with activities, we offer a friendly and welcoming atmosphere to all seniors.
In addition to assisted living, the senior living community of Collingswood also offers comprehensive long term care, respite care, and hospice services.
For more information on Collingswood and our facilities, please contact us today and visit us for a personal tour.
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